Unique Catholic Mother's Day Gifts At Rose Blossom Cottage

Rose Blossom Cottage

Mother's Day is coming up soon and I know you are wondering what you can get that special mom in your life that will be beautiful and meaningful to her faith.  I love the jewelry and home decor over at Rose Blossom Cottage and have seen nothing like it so far.  

Mother Virgin Mary and Child Porcelain Sterling Necklace
The Virgin Mary Porcelain Pendants are my favorite, especially the ones that feature the infant Jesus!  What a beautiful necklace to present to a mother!

Violets Triangle Broken China Jewelry Sterling Necklace Pendant

There is also several sweet necklaces with violets on them.  The violet is rich in symbolism associated with our Blessed Virgin Mary, the Latin name Viola Odorata, meaning Our Ladies Modesty. 
It was said to have blossomed when Mary said to the Angel Gabriel, who had come to tell her she was to bear the Son of God, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord."  In the Language of Flowers to give someone violets means love and faithfulness.  Wonderfully appropriate for a mother, don't you think? 

Porcelain Cross with Gold and Silver Accents PansyThis exquisite cross features delicate pansies, which mean "loving thoughts" and "thoughts of you".

Honestly I could list so many things I adore in Rose Blossom Cottage!  Vintage looking linens, tea time accessories, jewelry and home decor! There is something for every mother you know!



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